Friday, September 25, 2009

Blog 3 - Is a blessed relationship easy to achieve?

Look at these pictures. Don't they look loving and blessed? :) (credits of pictures:

Their wedding is the hot issue right now. So if you are unaware of this, you seriously need to check it out! No worries, I will provide some snippets of their relationship and the progress of their wedding here.

Both Fann Wong and Christoper Lee are currently 38 years of age, the older is Fann Wong. (oops.Did I just expose something that I am not supposed to? My bad.) Fann Wong was proposed by Christopher Lee with a $50,000 two-carat solitaire ring in February this year. How lucky is she! They will be tying the knot in a spectacular star-studded wedding on September 29. And with Fann expected to don an estimated $2.5million worth of jewellery, there's always plenty of reason to be plum with joy.

It is evident that both of them are attracted to each other by their physical appearances. I am sure this is so for all other couples too, but to a different extent. I believe this is how they want to get to know each other further. However, over time, perception of physical attractiveness changes.

In order to form a relationship, people often based on the similarities between them and their partners. Similarities such as attitude, values, preferences, beliefs, and many others, lead to the beginning of a relationship whereas social preferences help to sustain a relationship. Imagine having a relationship where your partner has many differences from you, my personal opinion is that it will be distratrous. Using a typical example, the male is a Christian and the female is a buddhist. Initially, no problems may arise as they are both alright with having different religions. However, as time passes, the distance between them will increase. Buddhists' and Christians' practices and way of thinking are very different. Hence, this tend to lead to quarrels very easily since their views are very different from each other. In fact, I have known of many couples who broke up due to their religious differences. I truly empathise with these couples. Thinking that all may work out, but in the end, break-ups and divorces are still inevitable. My take is a happy ending is not that easy to achieve afterall.

Having shared social contacts can also help in improving one's relationship. If you want to know your partner better, you should mix around with his/her circle of friends. Take Fann Wong and Christopher Lee's case for example, since Fann Wong often hangs out with the famous hairstylist, David Gan, it would help Christopher Lee a lot in getting to know Fann Wong better. Furthermore, when Christopher Lee was unsure of the types of diamond rings to get for Fann Wong, he approached David Gan's help.

All in all, I am very happy for them and wish them all the best! :D

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blog 2 - Interpretation matters a lot!

In this US Open 2009, Serena Williams was said to have threatened to kill the line judge. However, this conversation could only be heard and known clearly by the two of them. Hence, Serena Williams might be accused, but to find out the truth would be quite impossible.

In this case, the line judge might have oversimplified the content and omitted the critical information of Serena Williams' conversation to her. Thus, this led to a huge uproar amongst the judges. Serena Williams might have used some harsh words but not to the extent of "I will kill you!". Who knows? This might just be a made-up by the line judge. Also, with Serena Williams pointing her racket at the line judge in such an angry manner, which is an example of a nonverbal cue, one would based on their past experiences that her words might relate to something very unpleasant which further influenced their selection process of information. Hence, this had undoubtedly led to the judges' beliefs that Serena Williams did threatened the line judge with "I will kill you!".

Personally, I felt that it was unwise of Serena Williams to point her racket at the line judge. Firstly, this would most probably led to others' misconception that Serena Williams mentioned some harsh words, thus, it would be difficult to save herself from all the accusations. However, I understand that she might have hated herself for all the mistakes she had been making in this most important match of this game, the final round. Also, with the foot fault on the second serve which caused her to be a step towards losing the set, it was understandably that she would be in a very foul mood. Needless to say, It would be a totally different story if Kim Clijsters did this action as she is known to be a less-of-a-temper lady. People and other judges might just forgive her and give her another chance. Unfortunately, Serena Williams had portrayed a fierce image and foul temper whenever she lost or made mistakes in the past, for several matches.

At the end of the day, it boils down to interpretation of the situation by different people. Interpretation is very subjective and can lead to a very problematic issue just like this case.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

BLOG 1 - Issue regarding Slave Contracts

credit : noanus

Over the years, there has been the case of unfair contracts received by artists. As many as 20 entertainment industries and about 230 artists in 19 companies were involved in this unfair treatment, which raise the discussion of the issue of human rights here.

Recently in the Korea music industry, there is a case of the Slave Contract (of more than 7 years, up to 13 years) that caused many disputes by the netizens. In my opinion and to many others, Tohoshinki (TVXQ) also known as Dong Bang Shin Ki (DBSK) is the victim here as it's company (SM Entertainment) has issued several slave contracts of excessively binding contracts to its artists.

The theory of 'pragmatic perspective' then comes into place here where the parties involved become interdependent as their payoffs depend on one another. Rookies that enter a company (in this case, a Korea company) will try to have less problems with their companies else they will have difficulty surviving in the entertainment industry. Also, the application of the linear model can be seen clearly here as the rookies being the receivers are passive targets of message. They have no say in the contracts. Similarly, the company depends on the artists they are grooming since their successes will bring in more money for it. However, as the artists get famous, they tend to fight for what they are supposed to receive as some companies tend to gain more profit than what they are supposed to get.

In my opinion, this problem here boils down to miscommunication between the SM entertainment and TVXQ. When TVXQ were rookies, they were clueless about the 13 year contract but to avoid having conflicts with SM entertainment, they gave no feedback. Hence, resulting to this current problem now.

Being able to communicate is a really wonderful thing in life. Communication allows people to seek opinions and advices, voice their thoughts, and seek justice. However, many a time, people choose to keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves. In the end, they will not only cause misunderstandings, but may also cause them themselves to be at a losing end. Therefore, clarification in the very beginning is very important to ensure that nothing along the way will be unfavourable to any parties involved and to prevent from creating an awkward situation.

All in all, communication is an art. Knowing how to communicate well such that all parties are not offended and for all to be in a favourable situation is simply not an easy thing to do.