Friday, October 9, 2009

Blog 5 - What a busy yet interesting week I had!

This week, I was so exhausted. My group had to prepare for our CSE111 project presentation which I felt that we did an excellent job! XD Yeah! Before the start of the lesson, Pathma was joking about how she would flip her hair and present her part in a very sexy(said in a slang way) manner. Yenling was there trying to talk and act in a cute manner. You should check it out, seriously! And there left Yu Han and I with the dots dots dots. Both of us simply left them in their own world. Yet, this had helped to reduce our nervousness. Even before our presentation, like 5 minutes before, we were talking about some girls' stuff. It was totally hilarious! XP.. Attempting several times to pronounce the word 'retinal' correctly before our presentation, I still made the error of pronouncing it as 'retainer' during our presentation which made my group members laugh at me. I was so embarrassed. :( To my surprise, the listeners did not laugh a single bit. Were they even listening? Hmmmm...(No offence) Actually, it was more of a relief for me that no one realised my mistake.

Another interesting event took place in the lecture venues, especially in the sociology class. Is it earthquake? All of us were joking around. The vibration of the entire lecture class happened so suddenly and stopped very quickly too. During friday's lesson, Professor Debi Street associated the vibration to having a massage. The entire class was having a good laugh at her humour. :)

Outside of school activities, I attended lessons, had appointments and watched a performance too! Although I am very worn-out as I had to run about places, it was a fulfilling and satisfying week for me! It just makes life more purposeful.

A little note about me: I enjoy experiencing different things and learning the different aspects of life. I am open to new possibilities. Last but not least, music is my life. :))


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Charlene! What a wonderful and amazing week you had! This is a great post. Have fun but stay healthy too. Hope to see you soon!

<3 Denise

October 12, 2009 at 6:10 PM  
Blogger Poh Yen Ling Seraphina said...


Now my image is ruined =(
Let's all work hard ya? 7 more weeks left to the end of Semester 1.

Glad you had fun for CSE111 project1.

October 12, 2009 at 6:21 PM  
Blogger Mr. Ong said...

sounds like a fun week with lots of humour! It really does help one get along in this sometimes dreary journey we call life. When the vibrations happened in class i kinda came up with a theory that.
The more boring a situation, the less funny a joke has to be to get a reaction.
Although it's not entirely through, thats wat i have for now. I'll et u know when i refine my theory and eventually come up with a formula you can apply to make mispronounciations in presentations funnnnnnny. :)

October 13, 2009 at 9:10 AM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

Hey Denise! Thanks so much for your comment! Hope to see u soon too! Have a great week! :))

October 14, 2009 at 10:05 AM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

YL: Thanks for your comment.
Yes! Let's make our final CSE111 project interesting and entertaining! Looking forward to our next project!

October 14, 2009 at 10:06 AM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

Mr. Ong! Thanks for your comment!
Wow. I didnt know that there is a formula to make mispronounciations in presentations funny. I'll be looking forward to that! :)) Yes, sometimes life can be very dull. All of us need spices in life somehow. However, more importantly, maintaining a posititve outlook in life is of the top priority.

October 14, 2009 at 10:22 AM  
Anonymous Hui said...

Whoah!Seems that you really have a fulfilling weekend.Jia you!I will inform you whether there is any music concert around and we can go and watch together in my school.

October 25, 2009 at 5:04 AM  
Anonymous Sica said...

Hey girl! What a fantastic and awesome week you had! Add more salt, pepper and spices to your life!!! The meet-up this week was great! Let's meet up more often! Love~

October 28, 2009 at 8:05 PM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

Yo Hui! Thanks so much for your comment! Yay! Yes, let's go watch music concert together. I am so looking forward to it! :D

October 28, 2009 at 9:10 PM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

Yo Sica! Thanks for your comment! Yes, more more gatherings! It was awesome! Yes, more more spices, salt and pepper, and sugar too! :D

October 28, 2009 at 9:11 PM  
Anonymous Luna said...

Cool week you had! It is great knowing you and your life. Take care! :)

Luna (online friend)

October 31, 2009 at 3:11 AM  
Blogger clouds said...

It's so cool. I have a confession to make: I was playing with my DSi during your group's presentation. =X It was so dark, couldn't resist my urge. Hohoho.

November 1, 2009 at 12:06 AM  
Blogger Yu Han said...

HAHAHA! Poor Yen Ling! There goes her image! Luckily i never do anything embarrassing. I'm worn out too after 2 months of school. Music heals me though :)

November 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

Clouds. Hey! What a "good" friend you are! Should I even thank you for your comment? Just kidding. :) Thanks a lot for your comment.

November 8, 2009 at 6:53 AM  
Blogger charlenetan said...

Yu Han, thanks for your comment! Me too. I am worn out just because of the 3 5-hours break every week that I have to endure. It is just too torturing for me! Luckily, it will soon be over. I'll never want to have such horrible time-table ever again!

November 8, 2009 at 6:56 AM  

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